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More Earth Will Fall

Filmed over seven years, this is the story of a family who migrate from the north of Brazil to Rio de Janeiro and are caught in the middle of a violent war between public and parallel power. As they struggle to realise a simple dream of a home in peace, tragedy strikes as we witness the resilience and strength at the heart of this community.

More Earth Will Fall benefits from the long period of filming and the intimate relationships established by the filmmakers. The audience become ‘insiders’ in the life of a family struggling against the odds to survive and prosper – a perspective that has been absent from often more sensationalist coverage of Brazil, particularly favelas. Whilst the film’s strength lies in the focus on one family’s life in Rocinha, the story echoes the lives of working class people across the globe as they strive to maintain their hope and faith in a better future.
Project type: Featured Documentary
Date: 2017
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Role: Co-director/ co-producer/ co-editor
Link: More Earth Will Fall site
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