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Brazil Impact & Outreach

The More Earth Will Fall Impact and Outreach tour was a UK-Brazil collaboration using film to create dialogue on social issues and support social action through filmmaking. The aim of the project was to create a dialogue between different sections of Brazilian society about current social issues relevant to life in an urban environment, and in particular to give a ‘voice’ to the marginalised communities in the favelas. This was achieved through a combination of targeted screenings of the documentary More Earth Will Fall and follow-up community participatory film making projects.

I’ve participated in debates and delivered talks about documentary making and ethics in the UK and Brazil in universities and other institutions including British Academy, Kings College, Bristol University, PUC Rio and PUC Sao Paulo, CEBRAP, UFF, UFSCar, UERJ, USP, UNIRIO.
Project type: Impact and Outreach
Date: 2018
Location: Rio de Janeiro/Sāo Paulo
Role: Project Lead
Link: Project Site
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